La Familia Navarrete Vargas

La Familia Navarrete Vargas

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Who are we?

Who are we?
Alvin is 26 years old; his job is as a technician in telecom-munications and is studying administrative information. Rocío is 25 years old, she studied theology with an em-phasis in missions and she also studied education and pshycology. Both of us when we were very young received a call from the Lord to serve Him, actually it was while serving the Lord in a missionary camp in El Salvador that we met. Upon mar-rying, our call and our love for missions have only multi-plied.

What we do?
For the last 5 years we have been working as volunteers in the association ReNuevos. In both of its projects: the Life Institute and the Project of New Horizons, both of which are part of Christ for the City
Vision: The association ReNuevos will be an organization that will impact the children and youth of the community of La Carpio. It will do so with programs that generate opportunities for social, physical, famili-al, and spiritual development in a healthy environment where people can live together peacefully and with professional advice given both vocationally and personally. In this manner, the organization will suc-ceed in the formation of values by means of participating in studies, mentoring, and skillful exhibitions; along with short workshops in the topics of vocational education, industrial skills, and academic support.
Mission : Develop opportunities for growth personally, spiritually, emo-tionally, socially, and familiarly for the participants, through the means of programs directed by each genre according to the age and the needs of the population of the community of La Carpio. We will do so with the support of community leaders enabled and equipped with the tools
necessary for interaction with the participants

Like the mission says our work at New Horizons is with a soccer school and a skate park; each Saturday this is the way we attract the boys, who then also spend time in Bible study and in directed games. We as the directors of the pro-grams are in charge of the leaders and their spiritual lives; we plan activities, and watch over their performance, as well as see to the training of the leaders.
In the Life Institute, Rocío Works with the girls who have not had the opportunity to study or who dropped out and now have decided to restart their studies. Rocío, as an educator teaches many of the classes to a girls who range in age from 14 to 22 years old, some of whom are moth-ers. Our purpose is to help them to finish their elementary school education and high school education so that they can have a better opportunity to find jobs. We also work with the girls on spiritual formation, as well as complete crafts and play sports.

How can you help us?
We have a great challenge ahead of us and it is here where we need you to be a part of our ministry. God has given us a great opportunity for service, but it is also a great challenge in many aspects. Rocío is already work-ing full time in this ministry, but we need to raise support funds, in this moment we don’t have any support. Once we have sufficient funds, Alvin will join Rocío in carrying out the work together.
We know that this will not be easy, and for this we need your prayers and if it is within your means and in your de-sires that you would help us with our financial support. Please be a part of this beautiful ministry in your prayers and financially.

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